Camp Directors
Documents > How Listings Are Ranked
- 1st Tier listings (paid) will always be ranked above 2nd Tier listings (free).
- All paid camp listings are classified as being equivalent in the 1st Tier. More specifically, Full Hyperlink Listings and Basic Listings are both considered to be "1st Tier" with the exact same ranking potential.
- All results are randomized; however, randomization occurs within each tier. In other words, 1st Tier (paid) listings are randomized amongst one another, and as a group will all appear above 2nd Tier (free) listings. Likewise, 2nd Tier camp listings are randomized amongst one another, and as a group will appear below all 1st Tier listings.
- Randomization occurs either in "real time" within the keyword search, or at least once every hour via a system wide update with respect to the order of results appearing on both the U.S. State and Canadian Provinces pages.
- It has been a long standing policy of the Camp Channel to try and create a "fair and level playing field" while still remaining economically viable. To this end, we will not intervene or override the ranking system as outlined above for any fee. Please Contact Us to inquire about banner ads if you are seeking additional exposure.
Last Updated: March 26, 2017